June 29 - FBAFF Day 2: FBAZF

Zine Tabling at UAM 

We call upon zine makers, artists, activists, and storytellers. Share your work in a festival that uses creative expression to build a world beyond margins.

This year, as part of our ongoing commitment to exploring the intersections of media arts, activism, and storytelling, we are thrilled to introduce the Feminist Border Arts Zine Fest (FBAZF) on June 29, 2024.

The FBAZF is the second day of the 9th Annual Feminist Border Arts Film Fest, International Pride Day weekend June 28 and 29 and the University Art Museum on the campus of NMSU in Las Cruces, NM. Free and Open to the Public.

Since our festival's inception in 2016, we've showcased the transformative power of zines through our group publication, SJZ: Social Justice Zine, and other zine works. This year, we're expanding that idea, creating a space devoted to zines. We believe that zines—like all forms of creative expression—are essential tools for survival, resistance, and crossing the innumerable boundaries that divide us.

Whether you're a seasoned zine maker or new to the scene, we invite you to be part of this inaugural zine festival to showcase your work, connect with like-minded creators, and contribute to a weekend filled with creativity, advocacy, and transformative power.

Let’s make history together, turning pages. We can’t wait to see what you bring to the table.

Mark your calendars:

Exhibitor Application: Google Form (https://forms.gle/4Xxm9hCYuUEfFqvv9)

Deadline: May 10, 2024. Interested in exhibiting? Fill out our exhibitor Google Form to get a spot. Link in Bio.)

Exhibition Fee: $25

Event Dates: June 28-29, 2024 (Zine Fest on June 29)