Creating Transformative Change

Support Feminist Border Arts

Feminist Border Arts (FBA) at New Mexico State University (NMSU) is led and produced by Drs. M. Catherine Jonet and L. Anh Williams, who is also the Director of Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS) at NMSU. FBA promotes socially transformative film and media arts through curation, creation, research, collaboration, education, and advocacy.

FBA contributes directly to the Media Arts and Cultural Studies (MACS) course concentration and methodologies in G&SS developed by Jonet and Williams, offering students at undergraduate and graduate levels opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary creative expression and critical scholarship.

Our Mission

FBA is an innovative partnership that fuels the creation, curation, and distribution of short films, music, visual media arts, and zines. We are driven by queer, feminist, and other socially transformative approaches, aiming to reimagine digital humanities, public scholarship, and research through hybrid scholarly creative forms.

Your Impact

By supporting FBA, you're investing in a pioneering approach to film and media studies and contributing to a transformative shift in the representation, understanding, and engagement with narratives in our society. Your generous donation fuels this mission and helps create lasting, positive change both within and beyond the university.

Our Work

Your support enables us to continue curating events like the Feminist Border Arts Film Festival (FBAFF), a highly selective and widely recognized festival, and producing volumes of the Social Justice Zine (SJZ), a collaborative endeavor with NMSU learners, alumni, and community members. It also allows us to explore significant themes through our short films, like "Speak Near" and "Gender/Reads: Trans* in College," which address crucial social issues.

Our Goals

FBA aims to:

  • Develop an inclusive space for diverse voices through our film festivals, zine publications, and other creative-scholarly projects.
  • Foster a rich, interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars, filmmakers, and artists.
  • Provide learning and work opportunities for students, offering them practical experience in the fields of Gender and Sexuality Studies and film & media production, creative industries, and arts activism.
  • Extend our reach beyond the film festival by establishing a filmmaker residency program and organizing a conference event anchored by the film festival and zines.
  • Contribute to the academic and public scholarship in the digital humanities, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and beyond.

How Your Donation Helps

Every donation propels our mission forward. It assists in:

  • Hosting the annual Feminist Border Arts Film Festival, providing a platform for underrepresented US and transnational narratives in short film and digital storytelling.
  • Supporting SJZ and other zine projects.
  • Facilitating initiatives like the "Digital PRIDE" and our Digital Welcome Kits.
  • Expanding our reach to involve more communities and individuals in our mission.
  • Encouraging the creation of more meaningful and socially aware film and media content.

Why Give?

Make a difference by supporting FBA. Your giving directly aligns with our goals, enabling us to:

  • Amplify diverse voices.
  • Promote scholarly engagement.
  • Create opportunities for student engagement.
  • Advocate for increased and nuanced projects featuring women and LGBTQIA+ communities.
  • Contribute to New Mexico's growing presence in the film industry.

Make a Difference Today

By donating to Feminist Border Arts, you become part of a vibrant community dedicated to producing new knowledge and expression through storymaking, radical listening, aesthetic experiences, and theorizing. Your contribution could lead to the next groundbreaking project that challenges conventional representation and initiates transformative dialogue.

Join us in this exciting journey of creativity, scholarship, and transformation. Make a donation today!

Ways to Give

Every contribution, no matter the size, can make a profound difference. Here are a few ways you can help:

  • One-Time Donation.
  • Monthly Donation.
  • Sponsor a Filmmaker.
  • Fund a Residency.
  • Student Work-Study Fund.
  • Corporate Sponsorship or Partnership.

Secure Giving through The Foundation

All donations are securely processed and managed by The Foundation at NMSU, dedicated to supporting and advancing the educational goals of the University. This ensures your gift is directed as intended and managed responsibly for maximum impact. 

Make Your Impact Today

Join us in our mission to challenge, inspire, and transform through creative and scholarly works. Your generosity ensures that FBA can continue to offer these groundbreaking initiatives and champion the values of equality, diversity, and social justice.

Contact NMSU Foundation to Give to FBA. Select "Other" in the menu and write Feminist Border Arts and/or Gender & Sexuality Studies.