Cat's Vertical Zine

Taking inspiration from the innovative fusion of zine culture and cinema represented by ZinemaLilyellowtags, and others, in 2023 and 2024, Drs. M. Catherine Jonet and L. Anh Williams at Feminist Border Arts (FBA) embarked on an exploratory research and production focus into "zinema." "Cat's Vertical Video Zine" represents our first projection combining zine's grassroots activism and cinema's narrative power crafted into a media arts and digital video platform.


"Cat's Vertical Video Zine" is our premiere "zinema" piece—a 1-minute vertical video that intertwines video art with digital storytelling and "zineness." This work encompasses: an Author/Filmmaker's moving image narrative; a critical theory series called "Theory Gene" that unpacks complex ideas through quotes, audio-visually; a media arts piece called "Flyer Power" that fuses grassroots communication and the (anti)poetic; and an "Autoportrait d’un café-clôpe qui dit tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner," a narrative self-portrait and reflexive. Additionally, "Art Sonore/Sound Art" weaves auditory experience into every page. This piece is part of an emerging form of filmmaking and creative expression and also stands as a potential modality for teaching and research dissemination.

A lanh video zine


"A lanh video zine" is our second "zinema" piece—a 1-minute vertical video (our version of a 1 pager) that combines video art with digital storytelling and "zineness." This video zine contains: a self portrait of the author as a zinester; an Asian American critical and aesthetic theory series called "Good Ideas"; several great t-shirts entitled "Good Shirts"; portraits of the author's two "bad" cats; and the track "Good Shirts" that scores this zinema.



Crafting Your Own 1 Min Video Zine

Suggested Tutorial:  1-Minute Zinema

Objective: To introduce participants to the interdisciplinary art and method of expression called "zinema," blending zine culture with digital storytelling and video art, and to guide them through the creation of their own 1-minute vertical video zine. For us, the 1-minute  vertical "zinema" is a digital counterpart to the one-page zine. A one-page zine is a simple, compact publication made from a single sheet of paper that is folded and cut in a specific way to create an eight-page booklet.
This DIY format and media method allows for easy and accessible production, encouraging personal expression and creativity. It typically contains a mixture of text, images, and illustrations, and can cover a wide range of topics, from personal narratives to political commentary, visual creativity, poetry, and more. The one-page zine format is beloved for its minimalistic approach to publishing, embodying zine culture's grassroots, independent ethos.
Our 1-minute zinemas also take inspirtation form the personal zine, or "perzine," a type of zine that focuses on the personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions of its creator. Perzines serve as a self-expressive medium, often containing autobiographical content, reflections on life, personal stories, and essays. THey vary widely in style, content, and presentation because they reflecting the identity and creativity of the zinester.

Materials Needed:
  • Digital camera or smartphone with video capabilities
  • Video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or accessible alternatives like iMovie and Canva)
  • Audio recording/editing software (e.g., Audacity, GarageBand)
  • Access to a library of digital resources (images, sound clips, music) or tools for creating remixed and repurposed original content
  • Optional: Drawing or graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, or free alternatives like GIMP)
Part 1: Introduction to "Zinema"
  • Overview of Zines and Zinema: Brief history and theoretical background, including information about one-page zines, "perzines" (personal zines), and projects from Zinema and Lilyellowtags. 
  • Case Study Analysis: Break down of "Cat's Vertical Video Zine" and "A lanh video zine," discussing content, technique, and thematic exploration. 
Part 2: Practical Workshop
  • Storyboarding: Instructions on how to plan a zinema piece, including narrative flow, visual elements, and sound design.
  • Video Production Techniques: Basic training on shooting vertical video, including framing, lighting, and capturing high-quality audio.
  • Editing and Post-Production: Discussion and tutorial on editing video and audio, adding text or quotes, and integrating visual and sound art.
Part 3: Assignment
  • Create a 1-Minute "Zinema" Piece: The assignment should encourage creativity and personal expression, reflecting on a chosen theme or concept.
  • Submission Guidelines: Detail the format (eg., vertical mp.4), platform for submission, and any accompanying documentation (e.g., artist statement, conceptual framework).
Part 4: Feedback and Reflection
  • Peer Review: Organize a session for participants to share their work and receive constructive feedback.
  • Reflective Essay: Ask participants to write a brief essay reflecting on their crtical and creative processes, the challenges they faced, their successes, and how their understanding of "zinema" has evolved.



How to Make Zinema?

How to make your own Zinema According to Zinema


1. Approach your filmmaking as you would approach making a zine. Yep.

2. Make it with the resources you have on hand (don’t go renting an Arri Alexa for this thing).

3. Tell a story from your soul - it can be documentary, narrative, animation, or whatever combination works for you as a creative.

4. The purpose is for sharing your zinematic experience with others, not for profit. If you aren’t willing to do a free screening, perhaps you aren’t making it for the right reasons.

5. It’s important that you showcase your work! Rent out an arthouse theater, coffeeshop, do a backyard screening, or put it on YouTube. Whatever you can afford/organize.

6. F*** ***. Make this movie despite the fact that Hollywood, art dorks, and your mom will probably say it’s bad. Make it for you, and for your friends who love the work you make.

7. These are just guidelines. Do it however you want. I don’t care. Just send it over to us through our website and we’ll share it on our website/insta/other platforms.